Smart traffic lights are being installed at the main intersection of Itahari

Itahari / A ‘smart traffic light’ will now be installed at the main intersection of Itahari. The traffic lights are being installed as per the program of the Ministry of Transport and Communication of Province 1. Ward Chairperson of Ward No. 6 Divas Pokharel has informed that the Itahari Sub-Metropolitan Municipality is coordinating the traffic light connection. According to him, the connection work is being done in 26 lakh 87 thousand. It is said that work has been done to complete the connection work in the month of July.

Traffic management on the road seems to be easier after the connection of traffic lights. As the number of accidents is increasing due to lack of lights, it will be easier to manage the main chowk. In most countries of the world, zebra crossings and traffic lights have been used on sidewalks and highways.

In developed countries of the world today, vehicles plying on the road tend to follow certain traffic lights. Due to which there is no obligation to deploy traffic police on the road. In Itahari, the road looks organized, smooth and comfortable and on the other hand, the traffic manpower is less.


